We are glad to announce that a collaborative partnership has been established between the ARSINOE project and Neo4j within the framework of the Graphs4Good program. ARSINOE will contribute to the Graphs4Good program with an open-access release of SustainGraph, that is the Knowledge Graph under development within the project. Valuable support is going to be provided by Neo4j and the overall Neo4j community, mainly in terms of usage of software tools and provision of feedback for the evolution and wide adoption of SustainGraph.
SustainGraph aims to provide a knowledge infrastructure for supporting the extraction of knowledge and insights related to the evolution of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) indicators in the national and regional levels. Through SustainGraph, participatory modelling processes by interdisciplinary scientists will be supported focusing on modeling and analysis of complex and dynamic socio-environmental systems. To achieve so, in addition to the SDG indicators, SustainGraph considers further socioeconomic indicators and data made available by monitoring infrastructure installed in a series of case studies across Europe. SustainGraph also considers the interlinking between SDG goals with existing and emerging environmental policies and directives, mainly at European Union (EU) level.