The Torbay Case Study (CS8) has been busy over the past few months. On 8 June 2023, ARSINOE team members attended a Torbay Climate Partnership meeting to share the ARSINOE project with additional stakeholders and to hear about progress with the Torbay Climate Emergency Action Plan ( see more here). Synergies with ARSINOE project objectives and actions around climate-resilient regions were clear. Several stakeholders quickly identified potential innovations and actions to bring to the ARSINOE project to complement and strengthen the TCEAP.

After this, also in June, the ARSINOE CS8 project team held several online ‘Innovation Spaces’ to enable stakeholders and potential initial innovations to be identified and chatted through, alongside evolving details on the relevant Open Tender for Innovations. Some really interesting potential innovations emerged and it will be exciting to see how these develop into applications for the third round of the Open Tenders (currently the first round is open).

Finally, on 10 July 2023, the Case Study held its third and final Living Lab Workshop, again at Brixham Laboratory with the sea view across Torbay as the backdrop. Working with the problem statement, future vision and the emerging innovations, the group undertook a backcasting activity to map out timings, milestones and innovations towards the future vision – no mean feat! By the end of the afternoon some really strong innovation pathways were crafted ready for the next stage of the ARSINOE process – the Open Tender for Innovations. Preliminary versions of models being co-developed by the CS8 Centre for Water Systems team were also presented, as well as ways to keep in touch going forward.